Hospital care
- up to BGN 10,000 per year
Outpatient care
- up to BGN 2,000 per year
Medicines and auxiliary means
- up to BGN 200 per year
Dental care
- up to BGN 200
Preventive care
- once a year
Second medical opinion from international health specialists, provided through online consultations
- up to 3 times within one insurance year
Online consultation with a Bulgarian psychologist
- up to 1 consultation per month
Price for 1 employee (from 5 to 19 employees): BGN 67.64 per month
Price for 1 employee (from 20 to 40 employees): BGN 60.95 per month
Accommodation in a room with improved living conditions, according to the possibilities of the medical facility (all hospital wards except maternity ward);
- up to BGN 50 per day for up to the minimum stay per clinical pathway for one insurance event
Choice of treating physician, Choice of team;
- up to BGN 900
Treatment if necessary, not covered by the clinical pathway (without consumables): Medicinal, dietary, hormonal, immunotherapy;
Surgical operations (excluding cosmetic, laser, and other operations included in the General Conditions as exclusions from coverage):
- Small and medium complexity operational procedures;
- Large complexity operational procedures;
- Laparoscopic operations;
- Neurosurgical operations
- Minimally invasive surgery
Medical consumables for surgical operations
- up to BGN 500
Initial examinations for the occurrence of illness:
- specialist doctor from all specialties
- habilitation specialist
Secondary examinations from specialist doctors - for medical indications and consultation if a second opinion is needed:
- specialist doctor from all specialties
- habilitation specialist
Clinical laboratory tests, when prescribed by a physician Hematologic
- biochemical, microbiological
- immunological, virological, serological, vitamins and microelements
Preventive care - once a year
- hormonal imaging
- tumor markers
Clinical and instrumental tests, when prescribed by a physician:
- functional, X-ray
- ultrasound
Highly specialized tests, appointed by a specialist:
* Two of the listed tests are covered for one insurance year:
- Electromyography (EMG);
- Electroencephalography (EEG);
- Bone densitometry;
- ECG Holter monitoring;
- Echocardiography;
- Cardiovascular stress test;
- Continuous 24-hour blood pressure recording;
- Skin allergy testing;
- Cryotherapy and/or laser therapy of benign skin tumors, removal/excision of skin lesions
Highly specialized x-ray tests, appointed by a specialist:
- Mammography; (two for one insurance year)
- Intravenous cholangiography, venous urography;*
- Endoscopic, radioisotope, angiographic;*
- Computed Tomography (scanner) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging - native
*Tests are paid only after the other diagnostic possibilities have been exhausted and approved by the insurer.
Morphological tests by physician's prescription
- cytological examinations
- histological examinations
- histological examinations
Outpatient manipulations to manage a specific health problem (without consumables):
- injection - muscular and intravenous;
- dressing of an operative wound;
- removal of sutures;
- placement of intravenous system, catheter;
- outpatient surgical operations – up to BGN 200.
- anesthesia – up to BGN 200.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation, prescribed by a physician
- up to BGN 200.
Additional coverage 'Extra Care' (used through B-Assist)
Second medical opinion from international health specialists, provided through online consultations
- up to 3 times within one insurance year
Online consultation with a Bulgarian psychologist
- up to 1 consultation per month
Reimbursement of expenses for medicines, including homeopathic, contrast agents, vitamins
Reimbursement of expenses for bandages
Reimbursement of expenses for crutches, canes, catheters, urinator, collection bags
Reimbursement of expenses for dioptric lenses (up to 2 pieces, without frame) and/or contact lenses for vision correction (Up to BGN 80 with 20% participation)
Reimbursement of expenses for hearing aid, wheelchair
Examination for dental status
Diagnostic examination sector radiography
Diagnostic imaging panoramic radiography
Treatment of caries including cleaning, substrate, and filling of single or multi-rooted tooth
Surgical treatment consisting of extraction of a single or multi-rooted tooth
Extraction of a deeply fractured/destructed tooth
Surgical treatment consisting of complex extraction (if necessary to suture the wound)
Root canal treatment - periodontitis and pulpitis (cleaning and filling of tooth canals)
Comprehensive preparation and construction of crowns (including the cost of the crown) - metal-ceramic constructions Anesthesia
within one insurance year, including:
Conducting screening with questions for the early detection of socially significant diseases: hypertension, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, cervical cancer, breast cancer
Examination by a specialist in internal medicine/cardiology
- case history and physical examination by internist/internal medicine/cardiologist;
- height and weight determination of BMI (body mass index);
- blood pressure measurement (BP);
- electrocardiogram (ECG)
Examination by an eye diseases/ophthalmologist specialist:
- vision clarity measurement; determination of color perception;
Clinical laboratory:
- complete blood count, glucose, ESD, cholesterol;
- biochemistry - creatinine, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides;
- liver enzymes – ASAT and ALAT
- urine - chemical analysis of pH, specific gravity, protein,
- glucose, ketones, bilirubin, urobilinogen, blood, sediment;
Ultrasound of abdominal organs, mammary glands, prostate gland
From international health specialists, provided through online consultations
- up to 3 times within one insurance year
Up to 1 consultation per month
Purchasing medications and assistive devices (excluding dioptric lenses and contact lenses)
- 15 days from the date of prescription
Purchasing dioptric lenses and contact lenses for vision correction
- 3 months from the date of prescription
- It is possible to include members of the employees' families (spouse, person with whom the insured person lives in de facto cohabitation, parents up to 70 years old, children up to 25 years old) within the first month of the insurance period;
- The insurance covers pre-existing and chronic diseases and conditions of insured persons prior to the execution of the contract, except for conditions and diseases that require hospitalization;
- Mobile application for smartphone B-Assist and online portal at;
- Through the B-Assist platform, you can generate a virtual copy of your personal ID card in real-time. You can use the virtual health card instead of the plastic one – to show it at a medical facility, you can generate it anytime through B-Assist from the “My Card” option. With the B-Assist online portal, you use two more services for free:
- Free online consultations in Healee within the insurance term. You can make up to 5 free online consultations through the platform of our partner Healee.
- Booking an appointment through Superdoc. The service is free if you access the Superdoc platform through the B-Assist online portal. You can book an appointment with a selected specialist working with Bulstrad Life.
The insurance covers medical services and treatment in the form of a subscription or reimbursement of expenses up to the stated limits. Subscription servicemeans that if the treatment is pre-arranged and requested through Bulstrad Life, they will cover 100% of the costs, with payment made directly to the medical facility.
If the service is used in the form of "cost reimbursement", this means that the person first pays for the treatment with their own funds and then submits a request to the insurer for reimbursement, with a 20% copayment of the total amount.
A network of over 500 reputable medical centers and laboratories nationwide. You can find the full list of medical service providers at here