UniqaEuroinsMountain insurance from UniqaUNIQA Life AD is part of the Austrian insurance company UNIQA Insurance Group, which has a 130-year history. It operates in 18 countries and serves 10 million customers.The insurance coversМountain bikingSkiing and snowboarding on non-worked ski trackParaglidingRock climbing and alpinism, using safety equipmentAmateur cross-country skiing and biathlon competitions, snow-kite and other activities, similar in terms of risk, to the aboveTracking expeditions, outside the marked and established tourist routeCovered risksInsurance sum up to 3000 BGNUrgent medical expensesDeath of the Insured due to accidentPermanent disability of more than 10%Evacuation expensesRepatriation expensesRescue expensesThe insurance does not coverPersons under 14 years of age, persons over 70 years of age and incapacitated persons are not insured for the risk Death of the Insured due to accidentPersons of more than 50% degree loss of working abilityThe insurance does not cover any expenses for subsequent treatmentThe insurance is not valid in case the insured is participating in organized competitionsThe insurance is not valid outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.When preparing, attempting or committing a crime, participation in beating or taking the law into one's own handsAccidents which occured with the use of alcohol, medicines or drugs. Deliberate exposure to danger, suicide or attempted suicide.DocumentsTerms And ConditionsInsurance Product Information Document (IPID)Pre-Contractural InformationPrivacy NoticeInformation for the user of insurance servicesAssistance in the event of an insurance eventView prices
UniqaEuroinsMountain insurance from UniqaUNIQA Life AD is part of the Austrian insurance company UNIQA Insurance Group, which has a 130-year history. It operates in 18 countries and serves 10 million customers.The insurance coversМountain bikingSkiing and snowboarding on non-worked ski trackParaglidingRock climbing and alpinism, using safety equipmentAmateur cross-country skiing and biathlon competitions, snow-kite and other activities, similar in terms of risk, to the aboveTracking expeditions, outside the marked and established tourist routeCovered risksInsurance sum up to 3000 BGNUrgent medical expensesDeath of the Insured due to accidentPermanent disability of more than 10%Evacuation expensesRepatriation expensesRescue expensesThe insurance does not coverPersons under 14 years of age, persons over 70 years of age and incapacitated persons are not insured for the risk Death of the Insured due to accidentPersons of more than 50% degree loss of working abilityThe insurance does not cover any expenses for subsequent treatmentThe insurance is not valid in case the insured is participating in organized competitionsThe insurance is not valid outside the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.When preparing, attempting or committing a crime, participation in beating or taking the law into one's own handsAccidents which occured with the use of alcohol, medicines or drugs. Deliberate exposure to danger, suicide or attempted suicide.DocumentsTerms And ConditionsInsurance Product Information Document (IPID)Pre-Contractural InformationPrivacy NoticeInformation for the user of insurance servicesAssistance in the event of an insurance eventView prices