Corporate Insurance "LIFE" FROM METLIFE
Company Insurance "Life"
The "Life" insurance for employees can be extremely beneficial for both the company and the employees themselves. Here are some of the main advantages:
- Financial Security for Employees: The "Life" insurance provides financial protection for employees' families in case of death, diagnosis of a severe illness such as cancer, loss of ability to work due to illness or accident. The insurance will financially help families cover treatment costs, rent, loans, childcare, and other obligations.
- Improving Motivation: Providing "Life" insurance shows employees that the company cares for them. This can improve their work morale, engagement, and loyalty to the company.
- Attracting and Retaining Employees: When a company offers "Life" insurance, it makes it more attractive to potential new employees. This can also help retain current employees within the organization.
- Form of Additional Compensation: The "Life" insurance can be provided as an additional bonus or form of compensation for employees, increasing motivation.
- Enhancing Company Image: Providing social benefits like "Life" insurance can enhance a company's overall image, portraying it as a responsible and caring organization.
- Company Policy: The "Life" insurance can be used as a human resources management tool. For example, it can be provided after a certain employee tenure or for certain positions.
The insurance covers
The Corporate "Life" insurance provides protection for your employees against severe outcomes of illness and accident, significantly deteriorating their and their family's quality and standard of living. The insurance is signed for a period of 1 year and is for companies with a minimum of 10 employees.
Cash compensation in case of loss of life due to accident or illness: 100,000 BGN
Cash compensation upon discovering a severe illness: 50,000 BGN
Daily payment during hospitalization: 100 BGN per day
Daily recovery money after hospital stay: 50 BGN per day
Compensation for full permanent disability: 100,000 BGN
Partial permanent disability: % of 50,000 BGN
Myocardial Infarction
Coronary Artery Disease requiring surgery
Kidney Damage
Major Organ Transplant
Significant Burns
Actions in Case of an Insurance Event
You can download the Insurance Notification template from here: Insurance Notification
- Notification of an insurance event occurrence;
- Death certificate and doctor's death notice;
- Certificate of heirs;
- In case of accidental death – police report;
- In case of illness-related death – medical documents;
- In case of a severe illness – all available medical documents.